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The Height Setting of Badminton Gymnasium and the Application of Decoration Color

Time: August 22, 2017 Category: industry information Views: 1593
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In the decoration design of the badminton hall, there is no difference between good and bad colors. It just depends on when to use them. But white still needs careful use.

Height is where we are Construction of badminton hall The most common problems encountered in. It is often seen that the building is lower than the initial design height after completion, which is often due to poor consideration in the planning stage. A badminton hall has other sports, so it must adapt to the height of the sports used. Generally, badminton is the sport with the highest requirement for height in badminton halls. Badminton is a game suitable for both young and old, and it can also be a team sport. The height around the badminton court should be at least 9 meters.



stay Decoration design of badminton hall On the other hand, there is no good or bad color, just to see when to use it. But white still needs careful use. Because some articles in the museum are difficult to see under the white background. However, you can choose some colors with low contrast, such as green or blue, which can be used to paint walls with good results.


General, Badminton construction The top setting is the most important consideration, because most projects need to look up when they are active. Therefore, the setting of lighting and lamps is particularly important to spread the light in the museum, not above it, and not too bright, so as to avoid distraction or dizziness when seeing the light. In the hall of the badminton hall, there are usually only five lights.


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